Infant Play
What can I do to help promote play in my baby?
All children are different and may enjoy different toys and interactions, but the following are suggestions for activities and toys for the baby:
Birth to 1 month
Hang brightly colored objects near your baby
Hang mobiles with high-contrast patterns
What you can do as a parent:
Sing and talk to your baby
Play music
Rock your baby and take them for walks
2 to 3 months
Likes bright objects
Enjoys pictures and mirrors
Likes rattles
Enjoys infant swing
Enjoys car rides
What you can do as a parent:
Sing and talk to your baby
Play music
Rock your baby and take them for walks
4 to 6 months
Likes brightly colored objects
Likes to hold toys
Enjoys rattles or bells
Likes swings and strollers
What you can do as a parent:
Talk to your baby
Encourage your baby to crawl and sit by placing them on the floor
6 to 9 months
Enjoys large toys with bright colors that move
Likes to play peek-a-boo
What you can do as a parent:
Call your baby by name
Speak clearly to your baby and encourage different sounds
Name body parts, foods, and people
Tell your baby simple commands
Play pat-a-cake
Begin saying words that tell what you are doing
Encourage your baby to crawl by placing toys beyond their reach
9 to 12 months
Enjoys looking at books
Likes hearing sounds of animals
Enjoys large toys that can be pushed and pulled
What you can do as a parent:
Take your baby to different places and outings
Play ball with your baby
Read to your baby
Tell your baby names of body parts
Toys for babies
Birth to 6 months
Mirrors that will not break
Music boxes
Bells and rattles
Stuffed animals
7 to 12 months
Brightly colored toys
Cup and spoon
Teething toys
Toys that can be pushed and pulled
Baby dolls
Online Medical Reviewer: Liora C Adler MD
Online Medical Reviewer: Stacey Wojcik MBA BSN RN